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A thought experiment that calmed my anxious mind I woke up the other day feeling sad. And anxious. “What could it be?” I wondered. Probably the pandemic. Or maybe unrest in the world. Or the upcoming election. In moments like this, it can be easy for me to slip into a...

What’s a story really, if not…

Describing exceptional people.  People say that some people are just outliers.  They were gifted with special genes that allow them to do whatever they do.  They were lucky enough to be born where they were born, and live in the zip code they lived in—that’s how they...

5 books to improve your mental health during quarantine for COVID-19

My favorite books I’ve read in the past year to read during social distancing from the coronavirus. What if you could gain control in the exact moment you feel like you’re losing control? COVID-19 is still in full swing. What we are dealing with is unprecedented....

The hack to breaking comparison with your idols

Comparison is the thief of joy. It’s great to it’s great to have mentors. But where things can get tricky is when we put those mentors so far up on a pedestal that we tend to think that they are inherently different than us—almost not human.  The fundamental problem...

My Pull Towards Education

I have this gigantic pull, and I’ve had it all my life, for something more. I always felt I wanted to make a big difference in the world. Because of that, I always felt out of place. Almost like, did the stork drop me in the wrong area? Some may know that I grew up in...

Breaking Fear as an Entrepreneur

SHOW NOTES! Be sure to check out Episode #41 with Calvin Wayman an entrepreneur, social media expert, and contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine. After taking the plunge and quitting his day job to pursue his dream of working for himself, Calvin Wayman...

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Shy Guy To Sales Superstar

  SHOW NOTES Be sure to check out "" "Fulfilling Life’s Yearnings Is Finding Out What Your Gift Is & Going After It 100 Percent." – Calvin Wayman What’s up FLY Zone, Today’s guest is Calvin Wayman. After quitting his day job to...

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Periscope Hearts

This shows just a few of the ways hearts are so useful on Periscope. They're lovely, and they have purpose as well. To use Periscope for your business, go to

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How To Get Started On Periscope

Periscope is an EXPLODING new app. Those who jump on now will have a massive advantage of those coming on later. I encourage you to jump on it and begin to get familiar with it. You will thank yourself later. To learn how to turn your broadcasts into actual paying...

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