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Amazing Connections Through Podcasting with Justin Schenck

What if there was a way you could connect with some of the top minds in the world? And what if there was a way you could spend hours with them where their attention is undivided, you can ask them any question you want, and even though it’s not unusual for them to charge $1,000/hour for their time, for you it’s free? In this episode, Justin Schenck and I talk about just that. Feel free to join us 🙂



Justin Schenck: Being able to interview some of the most inspiring people in the world. I mean to sit down with people who you know charge thousands and thousands of dollars for consultations and from able to be able to sit down with them forty-five minutes an hour an hour plus. It is game changing right I mean it’s literally open my

Calvin Wayman: You’re having a one-on-one conversation with them

Justin Schenck: Yeah!

Calvin Wayman: One-on-one convo.

Justin Schenck: And I can talk about whatever I want.

Calvin Wayman: You’re the host.

Justin Schenck: I’m the one who’s directing the conversation.. Exactly.



Calvin Wayman: What’s up ladies and gents. I’m here with one of the top podcasters to watch it 2018 as named by with my buddy Justin. What’s up my man?

Justin Schenck: What’s up brother thanks for having me on man I think you still be a lot of fun it. You know I’m excited a for the launch of your podcast which I don’t know when this will air but you know I think you only have two or three episodes out you know at the time of this conversation. But yeah man I was I was waiting for you to get in the space.

Calvin Wayman: Oh yeah! I think I was going to get into it honestly but I’m glad I’m here it’s just been a lot of fun.

Justin Schenck: It’s the next world of any kind of media. I really really really believe that podcasting is the next big thing I mean you’re gonna start seeing networks of podcast it’s gonna blow up

Calvin Wayman: Sure.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Well that’s just the thing is it’s I think what like it’s so easy to start one. You can have your own platform like literally I think as Millennials. We take for granted of what’s at our fingertips cause like in the 1980s or 90s or even 2000 it would have been like millions of dollars worth of infrastructure to be able to have your own freaking radio show.

Justin Schenck: Yeah!

Calvin Wayman: And the fact that you can have it and reach an audience to connect with you it’s just insane. So and I’m honestly doing I think you and I have agree on this like it just is a cool excuse to reach cool people too.

Justin Schenck: 100% yeah. I mean it’s a great platform to connect with incredible people. You know I say all the time that you know when I speak up on a stage or whatever I talk about how I’m least likely to succeed like let put write it down if there’s a senior superlative that was me. You know didn’t get into college because my grades were that in high school. And you know and now I’m having conversations with people that have you know billion-dollar organizations and I’m you know I’m partnering with guys like Fabio Viviani on a project and there’s these are mind-blowing things that was not podcasting it would have never happened for

Calvin Wayman: Because you have your own platform. Right?

Justin Schenck: Right.

Calvin Wayman: can offer a place to facilitate that conversation.

Justin Schenck: Yes.

Calvin Wayman: How long have you had your podcast now?

Justin Schenck: It’ll be a year in March but I also took a whole Summer off.

Calvin Wayman:  I thought you’ve had a way longer than a year. You’ve literally only had guests for a year?

Calvin Wayman: two years I lied. Did I say one?

Calvin Wayman: Yes.

Justin Schenck:  Two years.

Calvin Wayman: I feel like

Justin Schenck: It’s been two years in March.

Calvin Wayman: It’s been. Come on it’s got to be longer than that because did you have something before like when you and I first met at summit of greatness after I recorded a podcast interview with you. And that was in

Justin Schenck: That was two Septembers ago

Calvin Wayman: Yes.

Justin Schenck: So we launched the podcast in March of 2016.

Calvin Wayman: Got you.

Justin Schenck: So now it’s January 2018. So it’ll be two years in March but obviously it’s a world has changed since then I mean I had a co-host at that time and since then I’ve asked him to take a step back and after that happened everything is exploded. And it you know really of my mind to what podcasting really is and created a business for me and you know it’s kind of gone insane in September.

Calvin Wayman: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Justin Schenck: Yeah and it wasn’t easy. I mean I’ve tried different things and it failed try different things and it failed. And you know I think a big thing for me is when I asked my co-host to step back. The branding and the messaging matched at that point and everything just skyrocketed. So you know would fine me before

Calvin Wayman: That is just

Justin Schenck: that find us before with the growth now movement and it just wouldn’t make sense out of these there’s these two guys clearly two different mindsets and they’re interviewing these people so they’re headed in one direction and also there’s another question out of left field and then it wasn’t making sense and then when he stepped back everything like it’s just aligned the stars aligned.

Calvin Wayman: So that’s why I wanted to bring you on to chat because yeah the podcast is a baby. And it’s interesting because I’m loving the heck out of it I’ve never had something that I like I literally care about it this like a baby and I want it to be like this really cool thing. And you’re down the road a ways in the game so want to chat about like things that you have learned or some of the learning curves that you’ve done so that’s a major thing that you’ve learned which is like consistency matching the messaging getting your branding on point and stuff like that. First of all like what if what has been some of your favorite things before getting into the business stuff that

Justin Schenck: Yeah!

Calvin Wayman: I’ll sure will get into. What has been some of your favorite things with having a podcast? Why do you liked that?

Justin Schenck: My nephew thinks I’m famous that’s really fuck cool that is cool right? But honestly to answer that question the connections. Being able to interview some of the most inspiring people in the world. I mean to sit down with people who you know charge thousands and thousands of dollars for consultations and from to be able to sit down with 45 minutes an hour an hour plus it’s game-changing right? I mean it’s literally open my

Calvin Wayman: You’re having a one-on-one conversation with them.

Justin Schenck: Yeah!

Calvin Wayman: One-on-one convo.

Justin Schenck: And I can talk about whatever I want I’m

Calvin Wayman: You’re the host.

Justin Schenck: I am the one to direct the conversation. Exactly!

Calvin Wayman: That it’s like cheating you’re right. So here’s a question I haven’t asked other podcasters yet so I’ve had JL Dion and Michael O’Neal on with this specific purpose of this talking about podcasting. But the question I have not asked them yet that I want to ask you is like with these connections. What has been your method if you were to give me advice like one-on-one we’re not even on a podcast right now we’re just having a Skype call

Justin Schenck: Yeah!

Calvin Wayman: You’re giving me advice on how to reach people. What has have you reached some of these authors speakers people that are like freaking badass that charge thousands of dollars for like a VIP day.  Have you just been cold emailing them or what’s been the way to get to them?

Justin Schenck: Yeah man a majority of the time has been just cold reaching out I become super sleuth that time so like I’ll like you find out who their PR people are but then I’ll friend their PR people on Facebook

Calvin Wayman: Smart.

Justin Schenck: Yeah you know message them that way and that way at least I know the message is being red and then it’s a whole another ballgame I mean I could send them emails all day long and I have no idea even if they’re even opening them but if I send a Facebook message I know it’s being red and but for me honestly like I think that they

Calvin Wayman: buy the way I just have to say I there’s a way now for on my gmail I just use this that I can know if people read my email do you want this tool like

Justin Schenck: Yes.

Calvin Wayman: Okay you’ve got to use this boomerang so

Justin Schenck: like the Instagram thing?

Calvin Wayman: no it’s for Gmail it’s an app it’s an extension called boomerang I’ve been using it for this past year I freaking love it so it does a couple things. Number one it helps you with follow-up like crazy because you send an email to somebody and if you’re sending like 15 emails a day or even five it’s so easy to get lost and forget who to follow up with so you literally can check a box that says if they have not replied send this email back to me in a certain amount of time so I literally every email I send I check the box to boomerang back if they did not reply I set it to like remind me in two days so I will literally get the email at the top of my inbox in two days if they didn’t reply and then I can just go back and say oh I was just thinking of you XYZ just wanted to check up on this to see if you got this email game freaking changer it has helped me so much

Justin Schenck: Yeah!

Calvin Wayman: In follow-up also there’s a feature that you it’s literally just a plug in super easiest thing like at the end of your email you just need  to do a check box but one of the other check boxes is check if they’ve opened it.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: So you will literally and if they haven’t opened it you can it can send it back to you in two days or you will get a freaking notification once they have opened it and it will continue to track how many times they’ve opened it and read it and everything dude for a business person especially for somebody that’s trying to reach people

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: to guest episodes that’s just as an aside you’ve got to check out boomerang

Justin Schenck: Yeah that’s it is

Calvin Wayman: and I’m not affiliated with them Here I am already having like what do you call? sponsors for free show

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Come on boomerang

Calvin Wayman: Yeah.

Justin Schenck: whoever’s running that one that’s really amazing to be completely honest with you I mean that is a game changer you know and now Facebook has like these automated reply things if you’re messaging their page

Calvin Wayman: like the chat box?

Justin Schenck: Oh it’s a chat box or whatever

Calvin Wayman: Yeah

Justin Schenck: and so that’s been a struggle so again the game changes what’s next and now I’ve gotten really good at building relationships with people that I interview and then I asked for referrals and that’s been a game changer

Calvin Wayman: Smart.

Justin Schenck: yeah I mean I interviewed a guy named page Manga Dimmi and I noticed that the guy who wrote the foreword of his book was Fabio Viviani and ever since I saw Bobby O speak and in Ohio and both you and I were there was like I got to get this guy on the show and I tried forever had no connections and so I said to PJ I was like dude I was like I noticed that Fabia wrote the foreword of your book do you mind making an introduction and he just goes yeah it’s like my best friend will do whatever I tell him to do and so then I got Fabio and Fabio has probably made 50-plus introductions for me

Calvin Wayman: no freaking way

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Fabio the guy that you got connected to then became another connector.

Justin Schenck: Yup. Yes.

Calvin Wayman: And you’ve been able to continue to go to him?

Justin Schenck: oh yeah I mean and he’s it now don’t get me wrong like not everyone works out right?

Calvin Wayman: Sure.

 Justin Schenck: so like he’s introduced me to 50 plus people but it all worked out I mean Gary Vee was 184 solo with one we’re talking game changers but these people haven’t replied I mean but then again

Calvin Wayman: So the intro was an email intro you’re added on the email he’s saying hey you should talk to this guy?

Justin Schenck: Yeah like it like a long drawn-out like top a podcaster he’s a great interviewer you need to be on a show introduction.

Calvin Wayman: Okay let’s talk about the relationship part with this because this is something that I’m fascinated by and I’m getting a lot more questions around this too because like in some ways I feel like I’m a natural and I don’t like know what I’m doing when I connect with people and so people like how did you have conversations with these people at events that aren’t even on my show yet but I wanted like take a step back and see like what’s the what am I doing it to make that happen but also what are you doing to develop a relationship enough with somebody else that’s fairly famous to want to take the time to send 50 emails.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Like what’s what are you doing?

Justin Schenck: I’m very authentic and I think that’s been a game changer for me to a realize who I am

Calvin Wayman: Generally caring about what the after up to stuff like that?

Justin Schenck: that but plus I’m just myself I’m very unapologetically myself and in Kevin I think you’re very much the same way right so this is who I am you take it or you leave it and it’s created such power in my life and anything that I do and I think that through my interviews I’m very much the same way so there’s a lot of podcasters out there. I’m not gonna mention any of them cause I’ll probably tune in but there’s a lot of podcasters out there that between the bells meaning hit record they’re a completely different person than they are in real life.

Calvin Wayman: Right.

Justin Schenck: If you go and listen to my show I’m very much the same as this conversation if you meet me in person I’m very much the same of this conversation which you know

Calvin Wayman: Yup.

Justin Schenck: and this is just who I am and like I’m not my goal is never selfish like I don’t want to have these conversations and say now what else can I get from them like for me like it’s what can I give to you.

Calvin Wayman: Got you.

Justin Schenck: not only are you guest on my show but what else can I do for you what are you working on now that maybe I can add some value who will my show are you interested in connecting with maybe I can make a connection like I literally introduced Fabio and Jerick Robbins.

Calvin Wayman: Awesome. So Jerick Robbins

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: is Tony Robbins’s son?

Justi Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. That’s and that’s

Justin Schenck: When I wrote that email by the way I was like this is a whole this is this world is insane

Calvin Wayman: when you wrote the email to connect Jerick with Fabio

Justin Schenck: Yeah like I’m the connector between these two people you know Tony Robbins son and the guy who won America’s Top Chef and owns businesses at 100 plus million a year like I’m the one writing that you know to connect the two of them. That’s the power of podcasting.

Calvin Wayman: Dude I this is making my hair stand up because it’s so sick it’s exactly what I want to do like I’ve already done it on a on a slow slow very very very small scale without podcast and like light bulbs just kind of went off in my head of like being able to do that like once I get even bigger guests on my show and being able to it has that been most of the value that you’ve given people is like the connection?

Justin Schenck: That and that mean I’m working with some people that I can’t talk about publicly yet but I’m working with some people on some projects as well that I’m able to just with like my background in marketing and everything like that that I’m able to kind of help them out and so just I find out what they’re working on and I go well how do I plug in and how do I play. And how do I add value to this person’s world, knowing that long term. It’s probably gonna pay off for me but it’s very unselfish right like I don’t care like I’m not looking for a monetary exchange you don’t need to pay me I’m just here to help you

Calvin Wayman: It’s a relationship.

Justin Schenck: I want to see you succeed. Exactly!

Calvin Wayman: It’s

Justin Schenck: Well I don’t understand why people approach a business relationship different than a love relationship.

Calvin Wayman: I totally feel you like they try to well I’ll just say this way they try to fuck you.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: On the first time like that would be like it’s like asking for the cell right guy when you meet them you know that’s why I hate networking meetings because so many networking meetings are just that they’re trying to like shove that like trying to get you to marry them. Right now

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: to fall in love with their idea instead of like  what are you up to get to know each other a little bit and then add value and then because you are selfless and you care about me like I want to reciprocate I’m with you man. It’s the exact

Justin Schenck: Yeah

Calvin Wayman: same thing.

Justin Schenck: Yeah and sometimes it’s the long game man like it’s funny because you said I can’t believe it’s only been two years for me but I’m like damn it’s been two years like you think that when you start something like podcasting that is that it’ll just blow up right thousands of downloads and it’s just gonna be crazy. That’s it’s

Calvin Wayman: By the way that’s a big compliment because just the conversations I’ve had with you and maybe it on your podcast it feels like that you’ve been in the game for freaking ever. So

Justin Schenck: Right I appreciate that no and I think for me like it’s just something that I dove into and I fell in love with the art of podcasting and the art of interviewing. I don’t see myself to ever be on television I hate when there’s a camera involved.

Calvin Wayman: Well I think first  nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn in the video and then

Justin Schenck: I just you know I felt funny. Well I do mine in video as well because I feel like that connection is important that’s the most important part

Calvin Wayman: Right.

Justin Schenck: But for me like I’m not trying to be the next Ellen De Generes or Jimmy Fallon I’m not trying to be like a master host but I feel like I’ve got really good at directing a conversation. So I look at me as an interviewer and like I’m a director my job is to get the most out of my guests. My show is the different format than this I don’t write down questions but it is very much like okay let’s go deeper. Let’s go deeper you know. It’s

Calvin Wayman: So do you have it is it kind of scripted are they similar or do you just have like main things that if you know based on the guest these are areas that you’re gonna want to hit see up like a bullet point type of thing.

Justin Schenck: Yeah I don’t write anything down but I tend to get I know the guest before I do a little bit of research I don’t do a ton I do a little bit of research. Kind of know who they are what they’re all about the only thing that’s scripted is I do five rapid-fire questions at the end because it’s a fun way to kind of wrap it up they know it’s over I know it’s over again you know people listening know it’s over but it’s very unscripted I mean I’ll give you an example I had Kyle Meynard on the show

Calvin Wayman: Oh awesome.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Yeah great dude and for those who don’t know him he’s a Division one wrestler climb Mount Kilimanjaro but he was born without limbs and you know every interview that he does is 45 minutes of How did you overcome that? How did you learn how to do that? How did you teach yourself ow to do that? We had about five minutes of that and then it was about 40 minutes of oh so you’re a master NLP like and we talked about that and how that’s changed his life it’s just so my eye

Calvin Wayman: So different

Justin Schenck: So my I’ve tried to make my interviews different because they do 54 60 70 interviews on podcast so how do I stand out a crowd?

Calvin Wayman: Well I will say as someone that has been blessed to have been asked to be interviewed close to like a hundred times now.

Justin Schenck: Breeziness.

Calvin Wayman: You’re right like it gets repetitive there are I hate to say this for people that might be listening. But I have had several hosts in that 100 times east that I’ve been interviewed I don’t remember the reason I don’t is because they’ve been the same mother-effing thing over the same over time and I love giving my story I love giving like giving the message that I have to give but because it’s so scripted and so much the same. I it’s hard for me to remember who it was that I connected with. So

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: it’s cool to know that you’re one of those people I mean I don’t think it’s an accident that we’re chatting right now.

Justin Schenck: Yeah I agree man and

Calvin Wayman: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Justin Schenck: I’ve had people on my show that when I they kind of scroll back through my episodes. I’m like oh yeah it works both ways like I think you have to do work to be a good guest to

Calvin Wayman: Yes. Sure.

Justin Schenck: and a lot of people don’t understand that so obviously you’ve stood out and you’re somebody who you’ve done a great job dude at breaking through the noise and ever in everything

Calvin Wayman: What do you mean by that? Ego more.

Justin Schenck: So please stroke the ego more you know I mean social media is something where there’s a lot of people who in the influencer game who are trying to self-help influencer game who are out there and they’re just kind of blabbing about right. For you stand out like you’ve done the right the right things within social media with your messaging. You know and I kind of point I point to Gary Vee and I don’t think you’re a Gary Vee but I look at it almost like there’s two and I mean this in a good way it doesn’t sound good as I’m saying in my head before

Calvin Wayman: No. Go for.

Justin Schenck: There’s two Calvin Waymans. There’s social media Instagram story Calvin Wayman and then there’s the Calvin Wayman you can go deep. Right? And Gary Vee is very much the same way there’s a Gary Vee and there’s a Gary Vaynerchak. And he’s very admit admitted that like he’s like look it is a character I created that tends to not kind I’m not Gary Vee when I’m with my family.

Calvin Wayman: Right.

Justin Schenck: You know. And so I think that you have to in order that to break through the noise you have to do that a little bit right. My social media games awful like my podcast downloads. On my podcast following is ridiculous compared to my Instagram file.

Alvin Wayman: How is that possible by the way how are people finding your podcast and how is it growing?

Justin Schenck: So it’s a number of different ways. So I found that video does not translate to podcasting. Podcasting does not translate to video. We got talk back

Calvin Wayman: Are you talking about how you have a video of the podcast on YouTube. Type of thing no translation?

Justin Schenck: No. So I’ll use this I always use this as an example when I’m talking to my coaching clients like Louis House for instance was on Ellen three times. They it did not boost his listens at all.

Calvin Wayman: You’re right.

Justin Schenck: I think

Calvin Wayman: I had a conversation with him. Like I had it like he wasn’t very happy about it seems like he was like

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: It’s just the world we live in that’s insane by the way.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Everybody knows who Ellen is. And he was like there’s always these things that you think you are gonna be the thing. And he was on Ellen three times and literally he liked it didn’t. He didn’t even get that many book sales from it. It’s kind of in training

Justin Schenck: Right. It doesn’t translate like especially in the self-help world but at the same time like you have to understand what translates into podcasting that’s being on other podcasts right like so go back to the hundred podcast that you’re on Calvin and redo it.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. Yeah. I need to do that again. I was actually do that.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. If you have to do that again but you’d obviously be pushing the podcast right?

Calvin Wayman: Do it!

Justin Schenck: So you have to get on podcast you have to you have to get in writing like you have to be on lists you have to be written about because readers listen to podcast. Podcast people read. It’s just how we absorb content versus somebody who needs that visual similar

Calvin Wayman: Back up. What do you mean by that so I write for Entrepreneur Magazine should I try to incorporate something there are you saying like get on a list like you were named by somebody’s Inc. article like how do you

Justin Schenck: Well that. You know. Yeah I mean the Inc. article was a game-changer for me.

Calvin Wayman: Was it?

Justin Schenck: overnight yeah it was it was amazing I think that article was looked at over 200,000 times.

Calvin Wayman: Yes.

Justin Schenck: Yes. So it was a game changer for me overnight that was the first time I ranked in a major category. I always pop up in as a top podcast and like self-help but when that happened I popped up and I think it ended up being like number 58 and helped

Calvin Wayman: Did you even know the author of the article?

Justin Schenck: I did not. So he was an avid listener of my podcast and he sent me a message on Facebook and said Hey! Listen to your podcast Inc. wants me to write an article about podcasts that entrepreneurs should listen to you. I want to include you but I need help getting the rest of the list you mind if I come buy you a scotch.

Calvin Wayman: No freaking way.

Justin Schenck: Yeah he lived in Philly and I’m like an hour outside of Philly so I was like yeah man come buy me a scotch and so that’s kind of where the list kind of came from a little bit. And so it was a it was a blessing in disguise but for me I think that’s the perfect example of what I might go with the podcast it was never to it was never to be a top podcaster. It was how can I influence people and change people’s lives the message that I’m putting out there and organically it’s become what it is. And I’ve learned the tips and tricks to grow.

Calvin Wayman: So what are some of those tips and tricks? That I use to grow like as a brand new by the way how many episodes are you a week like what do you do?

Justin Schenck: Well just one.

Calvin Wayman: Cause so I’m doing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: which I think is like I’m excited about because it’s I’m  I like more consistency because it means more conversations like this and one of those episodes is a solo episode I’m taking the advice of GLD and he says like for where I’m at where I want to use my name like

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: it’s in the branding “CURIOUS

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: WITH  CALVIN WAYMAN” there should be a solo episode so people my audience can get to know me. So with that consistency the first of all do you feel like that is a that could be an advantage with my exposure by having more episodes pumping out.

Justin Schenck: 100%.

Calvin Wayman: Awesome.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: And then with it being this new yeah what are some tips and tricks I also have some ideas that I had that I’m doing that I’d be curious to run by you but I would love to hear some of your tips and then sure something

Justin Schenck: Yeah. So to kind of piggyback off the idea of like consistency and how many more times are you doing it I mean if your goal is to rank up grow brand grow your own personal brand. You know to have the multiple episodes here’s what it does once you’re able to boost into ratings. Right. You’ll easily stay up into the ratings versus if you do one a week like I’m very much I jump up all the time I was just over the weekend I was number six in self-help in the world.

Calvin Wayman: Nice.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. And so but I’ll drop off because then there’s six days of no episode.

Calvin Wayman: Got it.

Justin Schenck: So here is the formula at least what I’ve figured out there’s no so there’s no iTunes secret they don’t they don’t put it out there and say oh hey here’s how you rank up here’s how you grow your audience here’s how I look at it so a subscribes worth five points.

Calvin Wayman: Okay.

Justin Schenck: A rating in a review is worth three points and a listen is worth one point. So on purely downloads alone unless you’re in the world of JLD and Lewis House of you know 50 60 thousand downloads an episode you’re not going to rank up just because of that. So you need consistent growth so you need consistent subscribers. You need subs

Calvin Wayman: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Justin Schenck: So that’s key right? So to your tribe or whoever your audience is. You need to reach out to them and you need to say Hey go subscribe go. Go review for me right ask your favor.

Calvin Wayman: Okay so this is a good thinking a point to talk about what my game plan is right now

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayan: to get you know F load of reviews. So it’s gonna sound insane probably but it’s something I just commit to do and I’m gonna freaking do it so one of the things I’m doing is I’m literally giving something away every single episode. So every single episode I’m giving something quirky away like I’ve given away like a headset on Michael O’Neal’s episode but what I’m probably going to do is since it’s curious with Calvin Wayman I’ll probably give away something funny. Like Amazon has like this Explorer feature where you can just look at weird funny prod like a funny mug like who’s your daddy like just funny stuff so I’m gonna do that and give that away every single time. And so how they get a raffle ticket to win is leaving a review so that’s what we’re doing right now they’re leaving reviews they get a raffle take every two days I’m giving something away. Like from that list of people that did a review. So that’s a thing I’m doing for fun but I haven’t I’m announcing this on my social media tomorrow but I am committed that on my one-year anniversary I’m going to give away a fucking car.

Justin Schenck: Holy shit!

Calvin Wayman: For everybody that has reviewed my podcast they all have a raffle ticket so I’m gonna give away a fucking car for anybody that reviewed it. So how can I use that?

Justin Schenck: Yeah first that is insane like that is a real laugh that’s a laugh of like you’re crazy.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah.

Justin Schenck: I think it’s an interesting idea? I would also say in order for me to give away this car I need X a matter reviews.

Calvin Wayman: Yes I will do that.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: I will definitely have some sort of like thing that make sure I’m not totally fuck but I’d said I’m willing to do like I’m willing to Tibet 10 to 15 grand. Whatever in that range is kind of where my mind’s that was a car.  To launch

Justin Schenck: But before you get for 10 grand.

Calvin Wayman: Dude I just barely bought a 2017 or at least 16 Chevy Cruise. Freaking love my cruise it was my first fresh car.

Justin Schenck: Fresh car.

Justin Schenck: So I shouldn’t be driving at 32,000 dollar cars or you’re saying this is a stupid move.

Calvin Wayman: I love yeah yeah

Justin Schenck: That’s also

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. So that’s what I’m thinking. So what would be a like what’s a review worth like what should be my thing that is just kind of my fine point. My caveat with the number of reviews I need to have for that car to be sold or given away.

Justin Schenck: It is tough man you know I think it’s a

Calvin Wayman: How many do you have right now?

Justin Schenck: I only have 80 or something like that.

Calvin Wayman: No freaking way.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Your podcast is as big as it is you’re drinking this high you have 80.

Justin Schenck: Yup.

Calvin Wayman: Okay 500 is what I want then like five hundred to a thousand gotta be

Justin Schenck: Oh at least a thousand.

Calvin Wayman: At least a thousand. Okay.

Justin Schenck: Yeah as your listeners are like to do know just it 500 right but I think if thousands I think of thousands real. I don’t know and here’s just me giving advice right so

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. Yeah.

Justin Schenck: I don’t know if that’s going to pay off for you because somebody could go give a review but not they’re not podcast listeners. So it won’t help you to maintain.

Calvin Wayman: So

Justin Schenck: you need to see what the what would that do for you is the question on the back end.

Calvin Wayman: Well I would want them I would have to believe and this could be my ego but I just have to believe that this show since it’s real unscripted and it’s needed like the stuff that I’m genuinely curious about other people are probably genuinely and curious about people are craving real conversations like this. And if they’re gonna go leave a review they probably listen to it and if they’re really listening to podcast they’re probably gonna like this one more than the other ones they’re listening to.

Justin Schenck:  Yeah. Yeah I get it. I totally get it I mean and and you’re not gonna you know retain all of them but I think it’s wild I think it’ll get you a lot of coverage beyond just the podcast world.

Calvin Wayman: Really? I’m sweet.

Jsutin Schenck: I think that you need to put that out there through all channels I mean when you think PR background like I don’t have a PR background but my mind works that way from doing something.How many other touches can I get from it?

 Calvin Wayman: Yeah I’m announcing it not it’s coming out on my episode on my podcast tomorrow but it’s also coming out on my social media. Like I’m gonna do this insane announcement like you want to see this Facebook live it’s gonna be insane and yeah I want it to be like for 12 months now I have 12 months of like every person I talk to I’m giving away a fucking car on my podcast on my brand new podcast listen, subscribe you win a prize every single episode you have a chance to win a prize every single episode review. And by the way can people review more than once?

Justin Schenck: No.

Calvin Wayman: Bummer.

Justin Schenck: If you want to sit if you want a second one subscribe, screenshot it, and post it and tag me in it.

Calvin Wayman: And I could hashtag it. They could come up with some hashtag or something.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Right?

Justin Schenck: Curious With Calvin.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. Curious with Calvin Wayman hashtag so screenshot on your social media you’re subscribed Curious With Calvin Wayman. And that will give you  another raffle ticket.

Justin Schenck:  Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: I like that.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Totally doing that.

Justin Schenck: Now I’m telling all my coaching clients to compete with Calvin you got you guys need to give away a car.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah.

Justin Schenck: So good.

Calvin Wayman: So now we’re getting into real tactical stuff. So this is something that’s just fun and tactical that I’m experimenting with. It could be a total flop but I think it could be fun because by the way I got this idea like when I did my book launched for my book “Fish Out of Water”. I honestly like I was afraid that it wasn’t gonna sell. So I literally I gave away like three insane things like anybody that bought a book and screenshotted it and sent it to me I gave away like a freaking iPod and iPad Mini and then I gave away a McBook Pro.

Justin Schenck: Wow.

Calvin Wayman: like other than like a two-week period with the caveat that I had to sell a next number of books. Similar to like the review thing and run

Justin Schenck: Where?

Calvin Wayman: blew past that and so I got to use the money from the book sales to pay for the prizes. I wasn’t out of pocket at all. So the bet is that if I grow this the way that I think it can be grown with me going all freaking in using three episodes that there’s probably some way I clear a monetize the show then not right away I’m playing the long game but within 12 months I could make between 10 and 20 grand 30 grand or whatever off of monetization. And at the same time you know like just build some sort of brand equity around it that it makes it all worth it. So

Justin Schenck:  Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: we’d love to hear like what are some other ideas that you would have to like what maybe what you’ve done or maybe even having like a car sponsor. Maybe as car sponsor here’s wind of it and they’re like maybe like I know Kia for example Kia if you’re listening to this I know you do influencer marketing and I see all my friends that show their Kia. So if you want to be if you want your Kia to be the car that I give away then link like find me at What other things would that have that have worked for you would you say from a business standpoint that you’ve been able to do with your podcast.

Justin Schenck: You know yeah. It isfunny man and I asked this of everybody that I coach or even have a conversation with because like I said I don’t know if I said this one I had a conversation before there was this conversation of the one before but I tell people all the time they shouldn’t be podcasters. You know it depends on what somebody’s motive is and drive is and what’s kind of pushing you to get there right. So I believe that a lot of your audience growth is based off the idea that you’re selflessly giving out information. And you’re selflessly giving to your audience more, more, and more. I’m not talking about prize you want to give prizes

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. Yeah.

Justin Schenck: But it could be

Calvin Wayman: Information.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Information game-changing things and like for me I literally I look at my podcast like the greatest vision of hope that anybody could have because I really take people to their rock bottom. And then I you know I build them back up somebody left me a review of sent me a video thing through Facebook so not really a review but head said you know because of like I love how you literally take these people to rock bottom’s but you then show the greatness that they you know exude and my reply was simply everybody has this capability you just have to realize how to do it right. And so for me I asked

Calvin Wayman: Everybody has the capability to take people there in that conversation?

Justin Schenck: No to be that person to be the person to inspire

Calvin Wayman: Got it. To be the person that hit the rock bottom and then became an inspiration to other people.

Justin Schenck: Rght. And I think that’s the main thing for my podcasting. I don’t want people to think that like oh well I think sometimes we look at people like a Tony Robbins or whoever right we go oh my god they they’ve really made it they’re so different than me. But them not.

Calvin Wayman: It’s so real. Dude.

Justin Schenck: But them not.

Calvin Wayman: Dude. You’re so right this was one of my epic like Dude like literally the last episode I recorded my solo episode is talking about this very same thing. There yeah you’re like and I think you and I know this because like getting into the entrepreneurial game we looked at all these people that we put on pedestals and we realize they’re human beings. Just like we are and in the beginning like we with the like at least I did I had this separation like there were such on a pedestal and I thought they were different than me.

Justin Schenck: Yeah

Calvin Wayman:  Then you’re right. They’re not and that’s exciting. It’s exciting after you means

Justin Schenck: Let me aks. Let me ask you this when you finally realize that they’re not any different than you how much did that change your life?

Calvin Wayman: Oh my gosh. Freaking. Everything. Everything because I saw the success they had and in a deeper way. In the deepest way I realized holy I can fucking do this like if they are a regular human being like I kid like if that’s if there’s one thing I could instill in someone like that wants to really go after something that idea that all these people that you admire that they are literally no different than you that’s the gift I can give myself even like if I can really understand that about people I admire like Gary Vaynerchak or Tony Robbins like if I can just really let that download and believe it. Suddenly I have more confidence than I could know what to do with because

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: I can have that level of a success that I freaking admire too. So

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: I believe it man. It’s powerful.

Justin Schenck: And for me I mean it was I still I for me I have a lot of self-doubt if I self-hate beat myself up all the time this is nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Calvin Wayman: Am I good enough? Yeah.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Am I good enough? Like you question it all the time and I got into this podcast space in order to have conversations where I could be like well how do I almost get myself out of the rut so if you go back through my episodes and still to this day we touch on self-love in almost every single episode because that was my greatest thing that I had to overcome. And the moment that I realized like I’m worthy of this conversation. I’m worthy of this person’s time. I deserve to sit at this table. I deserve to have the recognition that I’m getting which that took a long time but when I hit that stride that’s when all of a sudden Fabio’s going hey man I’m working on this thing I wonder if you could help me with it. These are things that I’m going out and being like hey me and uh let me let me help you out it’s literally them coming to me and saying hey I’m working on this do you think you can help me because

Calvin Wayman: So good.

Justin Schenck: I’m genuine I’m real and I bring a hundred percent of myself to everything that I do and all of a sudden the world it’s so crazy and I used to hate when people be like go out there and just do your thing in the world we’ll give it to you. It’s so fucking true like that because I went out there and finally it became my own thing and I lived that every single day and then I then I told myself I deserve this and I believe that and then also being universe is like here Justin you wanted this pen? Take it. It’s yours.

Calvin Wayman: I love it.

Justin Schenck: It’s the most bizarre craziest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. It was a fucking 33 year journey but you know through it all it’s all been worth it it’s crazy.

Calvin Wayman: Dude I believe all of this like it’s like I would have thought it was crazy like three years ago? Probably when I first got into this game but what you’re saying right now it just feels good because it’s validation for the reason where you’ve been having this conversation. Because the reason when I came up with the idea that I want to do a podcast was me in Costa Rica doing AYAHUASCA and like just doing a lot of like what is the right next move and that’s when that downloaded and it’s doing that same thing go out and let might let the soul guide you and see what happens like some of these crazy fucking ideas. They sound weird and insane but like it’s scary. It’s scary to be to say I’m giving something away every episode or I’m giving away a car and all that but that it’s just doing what you’re saying like

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: it’s just something that that was like that feels like the right thing to do and then let’s see what comes from it. You know and I’m gonna trust it. I’m gonna do that very thing and just be like I’m gonna do my thing have fun with it and let the universe do what its gonna do.

Justin Schenck: Dude you have to embrace fear and you need to let it take you forward because the fear is the thing that you need to be doing. Like it’s stopping you from doing because it’s scary right like oh my god and your body is like a frozen like I can’t do this. This is terrifying

Calvin Wayman: Yeah.

Justin Schecnk: what if but the fear is there to push you beyond those boundaries to make you greater like if I look at it this way everybody says oh push through the wall but I like to say push through the floor because what happens is fear as you push through the floor once you break through it you’re standing on another level and then there’s another floor to break through and you’re standing on another level because all of a sudden you’re that fear is gone once you do it one time the fear is gone and you can go then attack the next thing like the releasing the podcast was scary to me. Right?

Calvin Wayman: Sure.

Justin Schenck: Speaking on a stage for the first time scary to me but now it’s the bigger and bigger and bigger right and so like being interviewed by EO fired you know John Lee Dumas that was scary to me. That was on a podcast

Calvin Wayman: what episode of you?

Justin Schenck: I don’t know 19 something. I don’t know.

Calvin Wayman: I was 1446.

Justin Schenck: Is that something I should remember are these questions people will ask me.

Calvin Wayman: Maybe. I just I’m just trying to plug you for people that want to go listen to you know fire episode. Just search. Just yeah

Justin Schenck: Just the shame. Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: What’s the name of your podcast do you know what he named it?

Justin Schenck: It’s gross something with growth. Dude like this is this is why like I literally just put myself out in the universe and now this week and I have 40 phone calls that I have to follow over people like you because of the show. Like so

Calvin Wayman: What are you talking about?

Justin Schenck: So at the end I offered for the first 20 people who email me I offered him a free 20 minutes coaching session.

Calvin Wayman: Nice.

Justin Schenck: And so me and then me being me the first 40 I said yes to and then I was like okay I can’t do this anymore because I probably received 80 plus emails.

Calvin Wayman: Are you should do is turn it into a group?  Coaching hot seat session so bring everybody on to like a Facebook group and pick like one to five people that you hot seat so invite them onto the Facebook live with you and give them feedback and other people watching are gonna get the same value because they’re watching it in somebody else and then it’ll save you time.

Justin Schenck:  Yeah that’s a great idea.

Calvin Wayman: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Justin Schenck: Currently I’m going putting them through like a vetting process. It’s kind of seeing where they are at and if they’re not where they should be to have the conversation I’ll say Hey! Do this this and this and come back to me. The group thing is something that I’m just accepting now it’s funny I like this the online space is something that although I’m obviously a big part of it. There’s certain things that I don’t I can’t quite wrap my head around yet and so I’m like I’m launching a mastermind group in March for podcasting but I’m capping at 15 because

Calvin Wayman: Smart.

Justin Schenck: I know that I can impact 15 there are some groups that are ridiculous and you know hundreds of people like you’re not impacting those people you don’t even know

Calvin Wayman: Right.

Justin Schenck: if there’s that you don’t even know if there’s a return on their investment

Calvin Wayman: Right.

Justin Schenck: I need to make sure that the people that I’m coaching and working with there

Calvin Wayman: They are getting value.

Justin Schenck: Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. That’s cool. So kind of wrapping this again with somebody like Fabio has it like how did the would did the relationship begin before the podcast wasn’t the follow-up after the podcast like how did you nurture that what do you do to continue to nurture it with a high player. Like

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Everybody’s different and I think that’s the one thing that we worry about so much is that like what’s the one thing that I need to do.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah. Yeah.

Justin Schenck: and honestly it’s to cater to the individual like Fabio was during the interview. I want him over during the interview. Yeah because I knew him as a person was I don’t have time for this shit. So get through it but you better impress me while we’re getting through it and I did something right but I knew that was his personality right. You know there’s a celebrity vegan chef who I had on my show Leslie Dorso who I still talk to all the time and for her it was like just be real. Be you like if being a vegans on your thing which is not tell me about tell me that don’t lie to me

Calvin Wayman: So did you just say by the way I know you’re a vegan chef but I hate fucking vegan food like you do. Did you

Justin Schenck: I don’t say exactly when I say I just don’t get it. I think it’s something like you were on one of your YouTube videos you talked about making something tastes like bacon I’m like why don’t you just eat bacon. You know what I mean stuff like that but like in like Justin Run who is an MMA fighter. You know I’m good friends with him now we text each other all the time for me it was just look we related right and so I was able to tap into certain things with every single person because everybody’s different. Everybody has X a matter time and so like my big challenge now like my big goal is to get Gary Vee on the show and find a way to win that man over.

Calvin Wayman: That would be unreal dude he’s beast he’s it he’s in this mindset that you have that give value mindset. There was a time where I was with him in San Diego and he did a meet up. This just shows you where he’s at when the value side like he was giving advice to different people that came up to him this guy comes up and it was something to do with was an app or something there was a shoe but he wanted to get in touch with an NBA player. And Gary Vee is like what type of an NBA player is like well I haven’t really thought it was like well just name somebody’s like Carmelo Anthony’s like Carmelo do you want to get in touch with him he’s like yeah like awesome and so he pulled out his phone went to Carmelo Anthony and did a video it was like hey Carmelo I’m here with this dude you should really connect with him because he has this thing. Anyway got give him your number really quick and so the guy gave him his number and he sent it to Carmelo Anthony.

Justin Schenck: That’s amazing. Yeah.

Calvin Wayman:  Yeah. It’s fucking insane like who would do that so Gary Vee yeah he would be somebody cool he has the book coming up he’s in the middle of launch mode right now so he actually would probably be a good time to try to snatch him.

Justin Schenck: Yes. So you know there I am and well I want to talk about this offline real quick

Calvin Wayman: Yeah.

Justin Schenck: you know it’s just about connections we want to get to the people like that but honestly man you know as far as creating those relationships it’s about understanding who the person is and adding value to their life. No matter what that is right because but that all goes back to what we just said before it is white ties in nicely so you have to feel like you’re worth that conversation and then you can add the value.

Calvin Wayman: You have to have the internal dialogue right that you’re worth it and then you can give value to others.

Justin Schenck: Exactly.

Calvin Wayman: What are you working on right now like within the next week or the next month are you still doing this podcast? I know I think I saw something on this like you’re doing some you have some podcast course or something like what are you working On?

Justin Schenck: Yes. So I do two main things so it’s actually just my company so I do podcast coaching where they people can hop along you know in a monthly coaching sessions with me or I can do podcast productions. So those brands that are too busy to do it themselves. I’m able to take that in do all the editing for them all the content production. You know push it out on the internet on this

Calvin Waymannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyou know that?

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much the whole game of everything

Calvin Wayman: I don’t know what’s going too fast but what’s your range on the podcast production? Cost wise.

Justin Schenck: It all depends. Yeah I mean

Calvin Wayman: It depends up.

Justin Schenck: for the year? Yeah.

Calvin Wayman: Okay.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Ten.

Calvin Wayman: Oh yeah. That’s enough.

Justin Schenck: for that year you’re like the ten grand mark.

Calvin Wayman: because the like just I’m looking to do something similar where I have this idea called voice launch where it’s helping people launch their voice and like doing everything for them kind of holding their hand and producing it. So just kind of getting an idea of what what’s out there and what people already doing.

Justin Schenck: Yeah you know it’s a crowded space but podcasting in general but you have to be able to do things to break through the noise and I just did it through being real you know and I think you can do it by being you and I think a lot of times people try and be somebody else and you gotta stop doing that like you have to stop trying to be somebody else there’s way too many people trying to be Gary Vee or JLD or whoever whatever other nickname you want to throw out there somebody’s trying to be it. And you just got to be yourself man and there’s ton of people out there I talked with Preston smiles and he’s like dude at any given time there’s 75,000 people that need to hear your message only from you. So there’s a great power and just being real and being yourself and everything else will come sometimes it takes a lot longer than you expect but it’ll definitely get there for sure and then you know what else I’m working on and launching a mastermind group for podcasters and March to help them grow their audiences. You know and that’s something that I’m really excited about it’s a year-long mastermind group. And so yeah it’s a ton of cool stuff man doing a lot of speaking in 2018

Calvin Wayman: I just go so you’re looking to do more speaking like if I happen to get connected with people like that are looking for other speakers you’re down

Justin Schenck: Totally.

Calvin Wayman: with like picking up some big gigs mostly

Justin Schenck: Totally.

Calvin Wayman: around casting.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. Absolutely I mean I really talk about I mean I could just tell my own story which that a kind of relates to overcoming adversity and then I talk about like how do people get booked on podcast if you want the learning side of things I talked about the power of podcasting. So a lot of what I do now revolves around the podcasting space. So I’m speaking at an event in San Diego and in April and then in May I’m in Orlando that I’m in Miami I think in May as well. So

Calvin Wayman: What is a San Diego event?

Justin Schenck: Let’s say the it’s the new media summit.

Calvin Wayman: New media summit. I’ll have to check that out.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. So I was the they hold him twice a year I was just featured at the first one ever which was in September and I’m coming back for this one. So

Calvin Wayman: Cool. So what’s the best way for people to connect with you on the social or anything like that

Justin Schenck: Oh yeah. So I mean my social name across the boards at  GNM Podcast. They can check out my website where they can see all the podcast speaking stuff and then I also have begin podcasting now calm and that’s the podcast production coaching.

Calvin Wayman: Awesome. What brother this has been a fun combo we’ve covered a lot in a short amount of time yeah we’re gonna have to do this again. Whether here or in person or something like that but thank you so much and yeah I think a lot of people got by out of this I know I did so thank you so much.

Justin Schenck: Thanks a lot man there’s a lot of fun I’m excited for you and I’m excited to see where this goes.

Calvin Wayman: Yeah.

Justin Schenck: I’m curious to see where this goes.

Calvin Wayman: Great! Thank you brother. Take care.



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