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Be great by being yourself -With John Lee Dumas

Today we are joined by Michael O’Neal. The reason I have him coming on is when I first got started an entrepreneurship, this person is the very first person that above like close to 5000 friend requests, had about 5000 friends on his Facebook, accepted my friend request and I thought that was like wow that’s kind of crazy. This person also happened to be the emcee of my first live event and he also is someone that helped me create my first custom suit that I’ve ever had.
Michael is the host of The Solopreneur Hour podcast.



John Lee Dumas:   Why would you want to spend your time becoming okay or good as something that you’re crappy at?

Calvin Wayman:  Totally

JohnL:’cause even if you become good at that you’re still going to lose because,it’s going to be people that are great as something you just became good at so you lose. So why not become the greatest at things you’re already really good or great at. Like that’s where you double down on your strengths. We double down on what you are as an individual. You know I would honestly really challenge you to ah..

Calvin Wayman:  Okay

(Intro Music Plays)

Calvin Wayman: Yow ladies and gents we are here with the one the only my man good friend JLD. You know him if you’re in podcasting at all if you follow any podcasts you’ve come across his podcasts Entrepeneur on fire. We’re here with the one the only, JOHN LEE DUMAS what’s up brother?

John Lee Dumas:  I am excited to be here my man.Few people can match my energy,you are one!

Calvin Wayman:  Dude you’re freaking beast. I don’t even think I could ever come close so. So this is gonna be one of the shorter episodes guys here in episode 2 by the way. This is only the second episode ever John for curious with Calvin Wayman. We’ll talk about that in just a second what we’re gonna do there. But John sent me a screenshot of his day today and it has like 21 conversation. Dude!

John Lee Dumas:   28.

Calvin Wayman:  28.If I talked to 28 people in a week or probably even a month like that’s good. Like, just curious like Calvin to you like how do you do that? Like or is it like just trying to squeeze everything in so you can leave for like six months or What’s the deal?

John Lee Dumas:  (laughs) Well wait a drop in your brand, Curious. I love that so keep that going for sure. Kind of interesting is, this is I truly believe the busiest week that I will have in 2018 and it is purposeful ’cause I am doing  traveling coming up. Let me break it down for you. Yesterday,I did 25 calls with new Paradisers. 25 Back to back calls 8 minute chats Boom boom boom boom! Today, excuse me doing 28 interviews on other people’s shows. Number four of 28.

Calvin Wayman:  Heck yes.

John Lee Dumas:   I have 15 interviews for EO Fire and thursday I have 15 interviews for EO Fire. So that’s my monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,friday is nothing.My weeks are definitely not normally that busy. But,my days oftentimes are and by days I choose one or two days per month. You just completely-

Calvin Wayman:  That’s the fuck out of it.

John Lee Dumas:   book and batch things out. Back to Back to Back to back ’cause a couple of reasons, number one;it’s just more efficient it’s more effective.But number two;is just like you just get into the mindset Calvin. You get into the zone you say you know what. Today is the day that I’m going to deliver for twenty eight under hosts on their shows or today I’m going to deliver you know for my podcast entrepeneur is on fire for 15 interviews I’m doing today and I don’t do that every single day. But when do I wake up day,fix on and I just make it happen.

Calvin Wayman: Do you have a lot of downtime or free time? Like is that what you do too like you do this so you can have the free time? Is that kind of the deal?

John Lee Dumas:   Exactly. And I don’t like to call a downtime-

Calvin Wayman:  sure

John Lee Dumas:  It’s called creative time. Like for me it gives me space and time to create where I like to do ’cause you know I’m always doing something,I’m always thinking and moving people are like what do you do Like all of your free time? I’m like well there’s free time and I purposely set up that way so that I can do you know create a passion project or really think about my business and the direction that is going on.I think that is one of biggest problems a lot of us have Calvin these days and I was definitely guilty of this for a long time and still find myself to be that way sometimes too is like what am I giving myself the time to actually sit down and take a deep breath and think. Is this what I want to be doing is my business moving in the direction I wanted to move? Are these the projects I actually wants to be working on? And honestly you can’t have a ton of flexibility when you first start, you just get a yes man or a yes woman you gotta take a lot of opportunity and pull other things.

Calvin Wayman:  Busted grints.

John Lee Dumas:   But then when you start finding some success you start having that opportunity overload then you can step back and say you know what? This is the kind of things I want to be doing-

Calvin Wayman:  Right.

John Lee Dumas:   not that I should or have to be doing and that’s okay.

Calvin Wayman: I love that man. Because you’re kind of fitting both sides some people think you’re just all like Taipei or need to be totally structured, you’re like me like you’re both, like you have got to do the stuff that’s the work and like structure get it done but then you have to have the free time that allows the creativity to flow and everything like that which I totally did. 

By the way guys when he mentioned calls with Paradisers that referring to Jon Lee Duma s’s course the number one podcasting course on pot.The number of course on podcasting podcasters paradise. How can people find that by the way if they wanted to learn more for podcasters paradise.

John Lee Dumas:

Calvin Wayman: Also if you want to dig in more to JLD stuff especially his podcasts that is just complete fire for intended.

John Lee Dumas:   (laughing)

Calvin Wayman:  Go to and you can also find JLD anywhere on the socials really Facebook,Instagram, Twitter (@Johnleedumas) just search that Dumas D-U-M-A-S. So cool bro so what this is? So I started my first podcast you’re on it. This is it, and I honestly never thought I would ever have one because, I thought that ship had sailed. The reason I wanted you on is you were one of the very first people that I ever saw in the world and it’s been called getting to connect with you rub shoulders and know you run into different events. And so I was like I got to have John on. 

But, it’s gonna be different.I love how yours is like it’s seven days a week. It’s very structured, mine is not that which I also love about podcasting is it allows you to have personality in it. 

We had episode one was our good buddy Michael O’Neal,he has a different flavor than you do. And then of course like Joe Rogan has a different flavor of podcast and mine is more conversational. That’s kind of what I’m doing. Less interview which is fine but what I wanted to kind of get your thoughts on having podcasters paradise. You’ve seen a lot of different flavors. I wanted to get like kind of some major do’s and don’ts and then you kind of know me a little bit more personally and intimately so kind of wanted to kind of just get some guidance like I’m curious about how to start a podcast, how to do it the right way. So just kind of wanted to have that conversation.

John Lee Dumas:   Cool well let’s have a brother. So basically this is my big belief in life is that we’re all standing upon the shoulders of giants. I mean I have learned from those who have come before me name them. I’ve learned from them from afar from in person

Calvin Wayman:  You mentioned Lewis Howes right?

John Lee Dumas:   like how those things scrapped, Jimmy Masters, Pat Flynn ,I mean I’ve invested in myself I’ve learned from these people. We’re all standing upon the shoulders of giants. Be proud of that,just recognize that. But then take that learning that you’re getting from above and asked how can I translate that into what’s real with me so that I can be genuine enough and authentic to myself because like you mentioned Michael O’Neal has a very different style than me. If I tried to be Michael O’Neill. I would fail ,if he tried to be JLD he would fail. That’s how it is. What a lot of people make the mistake especially when they first start and they try to be somebody else. They try to do this to try to do that. So you know my biggest piece of advice number one is like what makes Calvin, Calvin? And you know honestly all of this is coming from me who you know we know each other we may tell a person a few times I won’t say that you know we like you know spend an egregious amount of time be on a daily basis. But, one thing that stands out to me about you is that you’re very vulnerable person like you’re an open book, you wear your feelings on your sleeve, people relate to you because of that, you’re open,you’re honest, you’re genuine and I kind of feel like that’s what you’re going to be bringing from what I can sense so far of your podcast and I would really just advise you just to double down on that,triple down on that. Like go real! go raw! go vulnerable! You know when you’re having a bad day jump on your podcast don’t worry don’t

Calvin Wayman:  Be honest.

John Lee Dumas:   Don’t have it be an interview all the time.

Calvin Wayman:  Totally

John Lee Dumas:   Jump on your podcast, do a solo cast say dude today has been sassy x y and z and this is it. Anybody having a crappy day or feels me or has some advice like get back to me ,like I think you need to have your podcast be this open just kind of medium that people can listen to you and resonate with you, will learn from you and learn with you and engage with you because I think a lot of podcasters miss the engagement with your audience and you have to make it is two way open street because your audience is going to tell you and guide you the best way to take this podcast going forward, which is always going to be you leading with you.

Calvin Wayman:  Dude, your fill in me man already like hence the name of it is like it’s literally , like I use it as an excuse for like things like this or to talk about things that I’m curious about. So to hear you say like stick to me and like be real, be vulnerable if that’s what I am in a real board

John Lee Dumas:   I mean how many interviews are you thinking about doing per week?

Calvin Wayman:  It’s Monday,Wednesday,Friday. Monday,Wednesday,Friday is the show flow.

John Lee Dumas:   Are each one of them going to be interviews?

Calvin Wayman:  I actually like the idea of jumping on once in a while when when like we all have those shitty days as entrepreneurs are real people and stuff like that. And so I would imagine doing one like maybe once a week or maybe twice a month or something like maybe every other week to a solo but in the beginning,I would imagine conversations, I kind of want to do similar to like a Joe Rogan style where there’s not really a set time or a Tim Ferris or even not a set time. More conversation around a specific topic and even be able to bring on multiple people once in a while. 

John Lee Dumas:   yeah

Calvin Wayman:  So.. hmm one thing that resonated with me. I mean it kind of sounds like the main piece of advice. It’s kind of what Gary Vee, we heard Gary Vee talk about all the time which is like lean on your strengths and that’s what I’m hearing you say right. Is like

John Lee Dumas:   I mean listen. Why would you want to spend your time becoming okay or good as something that you’re crappy at? ’cause even if you become good at that you’re still going to lose because,it’s going to be people that are great as something you just became good at so you lose. So why not become the greatest at things you’re already really good or great at. Like that’s where you double down on your strengths. We double down on what you are as an individual. You know I would honestly really challenge you to not get lost. You know, I think these conversations going to have are going to be important and valuable and different so have those. What I would really challenge I think that you in your eyes is going to benefit a lot if you commit to at least once a week getting on just you solo cast getting real with your listeners and just talk about something and

Calvin Wayman:  I can totaly do that.

John Lee Dumas:   having total conversation.

Calvin Wayman:  Yeah that’s amazing.

John Lee Dumas:   And maybe next Friday show.

Calvin Wayman:  Yes that’s what I was going to say

John Lee Dumas:   That weekend. Now here’s some food here’s some food for thought. Something that I’ve been thinking about, let me know what you think that’s going to that?

Calvin Wayman:  I’m good there. I can ,that. I think that’s something I actually want to do because I’ve given some thought about it and I already have like a YouTube show called Millionnaire case study , where I’m documenting the first story from zero to my first million as it’s happening. But that’s kind of the same thing where I get in and I get in my head like maybe kind of how you do your month in review

John Lee Dumas:   You should’ve a net worth counter.

Calvin Wayman:  That’s what i’m gonna say. Right.

John Lee Dumas:   Even if the net worth calendar negatives seventeen thousand dollars right now 

Calvin Wayman:  Totally.

John Lee Dumas:   You need that at net worth calendar. And I think that people are going to get your team to be inspired. See that starts to turn into the black into the green into the hundreds of thousands you know into the tens into the hundreds into the 500 and you can get this rooting for you. It can be this big celebration when you finish that off.So I love that idea.

Calvin Wayman:  Yeah I kind of I loved the transparency you have there as well like that’s one of the inspired me several years ago. So for those of you that don’t know JLD has a income report that he puts out every single month showing exactly how much money he made and also breaks it down by where he made the money. And that is just unreal especially in this world we live in. I’m a big fan of transparency and that inspires me. But,yeah I think I will do something like that just for the record

John Lee Dumas:   I also show where I spend the money like this which I think is really important and also shows like where I’ve lost money where I’ve made mistakes too. Like I show the good and the bad the wins and the losses and like that’s I think part of the journey that you know we enterpreneurs need to take people on and it just kind of drive this point home Calvin of like why I think that least one episode per week has to just be you on the mic is because you’re looking to build an authority brand, you look at you have come an influencer even more so than you already are at the level right now. 

I mean you can tell whether the name of your show or your name is in the show. So because of that when you have guests on you take in the spotlight and you’re turning it on your gas which you need to do as a host. That’s the point of being a host.Yyou need at least one day a week we take a spotlight and just keeping it on yourself,having that intimate real conversation with your listeners is just the two of you the listener and you and your become the authority you’re becoming the influence in their mind not necessarily the gas because right now you know for better or for worse your listeners are like the looking me as the authority as she wants to because I’m the guest and I’m bringing the knowledge you’re asking the great questions. 

But,you need to have that time with the spotlight on you as well. And that’s one thing I feel like I missed my podcasts I don’t have that’s why I want to see that for you.

Calvin Wayman:  Bro I think we’re just going to wrap it there because,that’s one gold nugget piece of advice something that I’m just going to take and implement like

John Lee Dumas:   Were gonna have a longer episode later.

Calvin Wayman:  yes

John Lee Dumas:   You should and you did definitely have me on for a longer episode I know there were you know very tight on time today but in the future. Well we’re going to do we’re going to come on for at least a 30 to 45 minute segment and we’re just going to do the more kind of typical interview style you have and I’m glad you got me on early for this episode two. Hope your audience got some massive great value from me and and I appreciate it. I love what you’re doing man to seeing you go from you know where you are when we first met. Where you are now it’s inspiring to me.So keep it up.

Calvin Wayman:  Just for the record since you mentioned it was negative in the whole became debt free. First day of spring 2016,So it’s been in the green ever since and it’s just climin, so…

John Lee Dumas:   It’s going to feel good.

Calvin Wayman:  Oh yeah. Can’t wait. Oh by the way that’s why I have the beard. I probably didn’t have a beard when you first met me. The beard is I can’t shave I can’t shave until I hit the million. Like that’s literally

John Lee Dumas:   What?

Calvin Wayman:  I’m fucking committed! If the beard is staying the beard is staying until the million hits.

John Lee Dumas:   Is your wife committed to that with you?

Calvin Wayman:  She is she’s super excited for me to shave for obvious reasons not just to see my face but that means I hit it.

John Lee Dumas:   So she’s also probably excited to be a Millionaire.

Calvin Wayman: Yes. Yeah! So sounds good brother. Hey thank you so much for popping on,and just look forward to seeing you around. Good luck with your travels. Good luck with the rest of your day and looking forward to bump into you again certainly when we do the longer episode as well.

John Lee Dumas:   We’ll catch you up soon buddy

Calvin Wayman:  Thank you bro, peace out. And ladies and gents to catch up with John Lee Dumas again go to 

Check out his podcast or if you’re in the social realm you can find him Facebook, Instagram , twitter. 

Just search John Lee Dumas.


video version of the Episode

Listen to Curious With Calvin Wayman Podcast



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